PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) established in February 20, 1964 on direct mandate from the nation’s founders to manage and develop Indonesian airports to equal airports of developed countries.
Innovational steps the company took to manifest the vision to manage world class airport starting to shows positive and encouraging result. It is at least shown in several achievements attained by the company’s managed airports.
Corporate Identity: PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)
Head Office: Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Blok B 12 Kav. 2 Jakarta, 10610
- Telepon : 62-21 6541961
- Faks: 62-21 6541513, 6541514
- Email : [email protected]
Line of Business :
- Airport Services;
- Airport-Related Services
Company Status: State Owned Company
Ownership: 100% owned by the State of the Republic of Indonesia
Date of Establishment: November 15, 1962.
Legal Ground of Establishment: Government Regulation Number 5 of 1992
Vision, Mission, and Culture of The Company
Vision: To become one of the top ten airport operator in Asia
The missions of the Company are:
- To enhance stakeholders value;
- To become the partner of the government and the driver of economic growth;
- To provide excellent service for airport service business by fulfilling the security, safety, and comfort standards;
- To strengthen the Company’s competitiveness through creativity and innovation;
- To make positive contribution to the environment
To achieve the vision and mission, the Company has developed and applied the Corporate Values of the Company which is “SATU“ (Sinergy, Adaptif, Trusted, Unggul/superior) that guides and inspires all employees of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), to always endeavor for their best.
The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors have agreed upon and stipulated the Corporate Vision, Mission and Core Values in order to face the dynamics in airport service business domestically and abroad.
Brief History Of The PT Angkasa Pura I Indonesia
PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), referred to as the Company, is a pioneer in commercial airport affairs business in Indonesia. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), originated from the State Enterprise (Perusahaan Negara/PN) Angkasa Pura Kemayoran, established on 20 February 1962 pursuant to Government Regulation Number 33 of 1962 concerning the Establishment of State Corporation (PN) which was signed by Acting President of Indonesia Ir. Djuanda. The main duties of the company were to manage and operate the Kemayoran Airport which at the time was the only international airport serving inbound and outbound travel both overseas except domestic flights.
After undergoing a two-year transitional period, since 20 February 1964, PN Angkasa Pura Kemayoran officially took over all assets and operations of Kemayoran Airport Jakarta from the Government. The date of 20 February 1964 was then designated as the date of the establishment of the Company. In its development, to further extend the work scope of managing other airports in the territory of Indonesia, pursuant to Government Regulation Number 21 of 1965, Angkasa Pura Kemayoran changed its name to State Enterprise (Perusahaan Negara/PN) Angkasa Pura since May 17, 1965. This change aimed to open more opportunities for PN Angkasa Pura in managing other airports in the territory of Indonesia.
Pursuant to Government Regulation Number 37 Year 1974, the status of legal entity of the Company was then changed to Public Company (Perusahaan Umum/Perum). In general, all of these changes were intended to further broaden the work scope of airport management in Indonesia. In 1985, Kemayoran International Airport was declared to stop operating. All operations were transferred to Soekarno Hatta Airport which at that time was named Cengkareng Airport (CGK).
Pursuant to Government Regulation Number 25 of 1987, Perum Angkasa Pura changed its name since 19 May 1987 to Perum Angkasa Pura I in conjunction with the establishment of Perum Angkasa Pura II, which is specialized in managing Soekarno-Hatta Airport and Halim Perdanakusuma Airport.
In 1992, pursuant to Government Regulation Number 5 of 1992, the Public Corporation (Perum) was converted to a Limited Company (PT) which shares are fully owned by the Republic of Indonesia so that its name became PT ANGKASA PURA I (PERSERO) based on Notarial Deed by Notary Muhani Salim, SH dated 3 January 1993 and was approved by the Minister of Justice by virtue of Decree Number: C2-470. HT.01.01 of 1993 dated 24 April 1993 and published in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52 dated 29 June 1993 with Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 2914/1993. Until today, the Company has retained its name as PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero).
The Company consistently support Government’s policies and programs in economic and development sectors. This is conducted to generate profits for the Company through airport services business in the broadest sense and other business activities relevant to airport affairs business, either independently or in cooperation with other entities. Pursuant to Government Regulation Number 77 of 2012 on Public Corporation of the Indonesian Aviation Navigation Service Provider (LPPNPI), Aviation Service is no longer managed by Angkasa Pura I (Persero) since 16 January 2013 at 22.00 Western Indonesia Time (in compliance with Memorandum of Understanding Number: HK.201/1/10/DRJU-2013;KEP.15/ OM.02.03/2013; MOU.04.07.01/00/02/2013/001; 032/DU/ II/2013 dated 12 February 2013).
As of December 31, 2016, 13 airports were managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), in accordance with Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KP 907 of 2014 regarding PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) as an Airport Enterprise.
The Company has established 1 Strategic Business Unit and 5 Subsidiaries operating in the large cities of central and eastern parts of Indonesia, i.e.:
- I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) – Denpasar, Bali
- Juanda International Airport Surabaya (SUB) – Surabaya
- Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (UPG) Makassar
- Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport (BPN) – Balikpapan
- Frans Kaisiepo International Airport (BIK) – Biak
- Sam Ratulangi International Airport – Manado
- Adisutjipto International Airport (JOG) – Yogyakarta
- Adi Soemarmo International Airport (SOC) – Surakarta
- Syamsudin Noor Airport (BDJ) – Banjarmasin
- Pattimura International Airport (AMQ) – Ambon
- Ahmad Yani International Airport (SRG) – Semarang
- Lombok International Airport (LOP) – Praya
- El Tari International Airport (KOE) – Kupang
Corporate Logo
The word Angkasa Pura is freshly displayed next to the word AIRPORTS to emphasize the line of business of the company. Green signifies grounded, rooted, growing and long-lasting business combined with blue which symbolizes sky or space. Two different colors are combined harmoniously to provide a message on the sky-high ideals which correspond to the synergy of grounded, rooted, growing and long-lasting concepts and works.
The symbol and the element of “give and take” implies that: take is the result of a logical consequence and give: is the basic principles of honor in serving and professionalism in the sense of “together stronger”.
The symbol also implies a “smile” which symbolizes the hospitality of employees’ service which is the pride of the company.
The symbol of two “inter-locking” elements reflects the safety and security concept which is the most important factor in Airport Business.
The symbols tagged at aerodynamic angle turning to slightly upper right reflects the determination and spirit of progressive transformation striving for the development of the company.
Information Service
Corporate Secretary
- Kota Baru Bandar Kemayoran Blok B 12 Kav. 2 Jakarta, 10610
- Telepon : 62-21 6541961
- Faksimili : 62-21 6541513, 6541514
- Email : [email protected]
- Website : www.angkasapura1.co.id
- Twitter : @AP_Airports
- Instagram : @AP_Airports
- Facebook : www.facebook.com/angkasapura.airports
- Youtube : www.youtube.com/angkasapuraairports
Contact Center Bandara 172
- Telepon : 172
- Email : [email protected]
- Twitter : @angkasapura172
PT Angkasa Pura I Indonesia At a Glance – Temporaktif