PT Gudang Garam, is producer of kretek cigarettes, the clove cigarette synonymous with Indonesia and the dominant cigarette category, drawing on its unique reputation as a major centre of the spice trade. With a population of approximately 250 million, Indonesia represents one of the largest consumer markets in the world whereby an estimated 67 per cent of adult men are smokers.
Gudang Garam operates production facilities at two main sites each with its own primary and secondary kretek manufacturing operations. The first site is in Kediri where the company was founded, which today has a population of 249,000, is a busy regional commercial centre and home to Gudang Garam headquarters. The second site located in Gempol, East Java is 50 kilometres away from Surabaya. Both sites ensure we are well positioned to meet future demand.
Gudang Garam Indonesia At a Glance
PT Gudang Garam Tbk (“the Company”), previously named as PT Perusahaan Rokok Tjap “Gudang Garam” Kediri (PT Gudang Garam), was established by deed of Mr. Suroso SH, acting notary public in Kediri, dated 30 June 1971 No. 10, amended by deed of the same notary dated 13 October 1971 No. 13; these deeds were approved by the Minister of Justice under No. J.A.5/197/7 on 17 November 1971, registered at the Kediri Court of Justice under No.)31/1971 and No. 32/1971 on 26 November 1971, and published in Supplement No. 586 to State Gazette No. 104 dated 28.December 1971.
The Company is a continuation of a Proprietorship which was established in 1958. In 1969, the Company changed its legal status to a Partnership and in 1971 it was further changed its legal entity as a Limited Liability Company. Commercial operation was commenced in 1958.
The Company’s Articles of Association have been amended several times. The latest amendment was effected by deed of notary public Siti Nurul Yuliami, S.H., M.Kn dated 21 September 2015 No. 52 to comply with the Regulation of the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (“OJK”) No. 32/POJK.04/2014 and No. 33/POJK.04/2014.
The Company is an Indonesian domiciled company with its Head Office at Jl. Semampir II/1, Kediri, East Java, and its plants are located in Kediri, Gempol, Karanganyar and Sumenep. The Company also has representative offices, which are Jakarta Representative Office at Jl. Jenderal A. Yani 79, Jakarta and Surabaya Representative Office at Jl. Pengenal 7 – 15, Surabaya, East Java.
In accordance with article 3 of its Articles of Association, the Company is engaged in cigarette industry and other related cigarette industry activities.
By Minister of Finance license No. SI-126/SHM/KMK.10/1990 dated 17 July 1990, the Company publicly offered through the capital market its 57,807,800 shares at par value of Rp 1,000 (whole Rupiah) per share.
PT Gudang Garam Milestones
1958 – Gudang Garam Company founded by Surya Wonowidjojo in Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
1971 – Limited Liability status achieved
1979 – First cigarette manufacturing machines were installed
1980 – Major expansions in production capacity
1990 – Listed on the Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchanges
1993 – Subsidiary PT Surya Pamenang established in 1990 to manufacture folding boxboard, commenced operations
2002 – The second manufacturing facility at Gempol launched. Entry into the SKM LTN segment
2004 – Subsidiary PT Surya Madistrindo established in 2002, commenced operations
2008 – Celebrated 50th Anniversary since incorporation
2009 – Susilo Wonowidjojo appointed President Director . Juni Setiawati Wonowidjojo appointed President Commissioner
2015 – Completion of an extensive capital expenditure programme to upgrade production facilities and enhance capacity.
Gudang Garam has emerged as a more agile organization, ever keen to listen
and serve customer needs, better than ever before.
Based on Nielsen market research, the company has a market share of 20.8 per cent of the domestic cigarette market at the end of 2016 and is a major consumer brand recognized throughout the archipelago.
Gudang Garam provides livelihoods for a workforce of 35,900, engaged in cigarette manufacturing, marketing, and distribution at the end of 2016. In addition to its production facilities, the company is represented by a total of 67 area offices with 279 points of distribution located throughout Indonesia and services its markets with a sales fleet of over 7,000 vehicles, including motorcycles.
President Commissioner Profile
Juni Setiawati Wonowidjojo – 63 years old, Indonesian citizen. Appointed President Commissioner of the company in June 2009. She has been a Commissioner since 1983. She is related to Susilo Wonowidjojo, President Director and is affiliated to the Company’s shareholders.
Frank W. van Gelder – Independent Commissioner 59 years old, Dutch citizen Appointed Independent Commissioner of the company in March 2002. Currently he is Managing Partner of the consulting firm New Frontier Solutions Pte. Ltd, Singapore. Formerly served with ABN AMRO bank for 12 years. He holds a Masters Degree in Civil Law, Leiden University, Netherlands.
President Director Profile
Susilo Wonowidjojo – 61 years old, Indonesian citizen Appointed President Director in June 2009. Formerly served as Vice President Director since 1990 and before that as Director since 1976 with responsibilities for procurement of raw materials, flavours, inventory and production management. He is related to Juni Setiawati Wonowidjojo, President Commissioner and is affiliated to the Company’s shareholders.
Gudang Garam Company Profile – Temporaktif